I read this Fast Company article by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at University College London, and wondered how does one do HUMBLE??

In his article, Dr Tomas, argues that a post-pandemic world will need leaders who have humility, curiosity and integrity. The problem, as he rightly points out, is that in politics and business we tend to choose leaders who are anything but humble. Humility is not a desirable trait.

It’s the combination of humility and persistence that makes humility work. Remember this article from 2001: “The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve” by Jim Collins in Fast Company?

When that article came out it was a shocker. How is it possible to be humble and ferocious at the same time? These things are mutually exclusive. And there’s been an awful lot of analysis ever since trying to unpack how exactly such traits can be present in the same person.

Ask a woman in business and there really is no mystery here. Women have had to cultivate a ferocious humility since the first day a woman entered the boardroom. In fact, I would venture that if you speak to anyone who has to survive in a world where the odds are against them, they will have much to offer on the behaviors that make a difference: being at once open to being wrong while also refusing to give in or back down.

Being humble is not being servile. Humility is not a synonym for cowardice. Humility is merely an appreciation that all data is contingent – subject to change. Knowing this, should also not lead to paralysis. It is possible to act decisively, even when one can’t be sure of all the data. In fact, humility allows one to act, because you know you cannot be sure.

Who in your life exemplifies the ferociously humble leader?